Monday, June 15, 2009

Franklin Park Zoo

It's that time again...the time of year when I feel like I'm not getting anything done, between the field trips, orientations, end-of-soccer parties, and end-of-school events.

I've been trying to hold it together by working every night until the wee hours, but the other day I was driving down the road thinking that I was bound to forget something important that would scar my child for life, like Adlani's stuffed animal for the teddy bear picnic or Aliya's penguin habitat for the research fair. Two minutes later my boss called to ask why I wasn't present at the training we had scheduled to start 9 minutes ago. Oops.

One of last week's events was a field trip to the Franklin Park Zoo. It was a rainy day but luckily we ended up with only scattered showers and it didn't bother the kids at all. The bus driver got lost on the way there, but we had a good day and it was nice to spend time with Aliya's teacher, Sra. Chacon. Aliya has had a great year with her and will miss her a lot. The highlight of the trip was when the mandrill took poop directly from his butt and started examining it intently. I didn't get a picture because I was too busy trying to make the kids stop screaming in disgusted and amazed hysteria.


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