Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kindergarten Orientation

Last week Adlani and I attended kindergarten orientation and an awesome playdate just for the boys at Lana's house. Orientation was a much different experience than taking Aliya just two years ago. So many of Adlani's classmates from preschool are heading to kindergarten, and we've spent a lot of time at school so we're both familiar with the teachers, the staff, the building, and the program. We were hoping that he would have the same teacher Aliya had because we love her so much, but the teachers he has are wonderful too. I saw Aliya's teacher the next day and she said that she'd miss having us but that Sra. Gray is the perfect match for Adlani. Everyone loves her and she takes my Zumba class on Saturdays so I'll be able to get weekly updates. ;-)

The playdate was a lot of fun once we were all confident that they wouldn't kill each other. It was kind of like when you introduce a bunch of dogs and they go into statue-mode sniffing each others' butts and you hold your breath and wait to see what happens. Lana invited a few of us and told us to invite others that we knew so we ended up with 10 boys. Some of them knew each other and some didn't, but they rushed right in, turned every golf club and lacross stick into a weapon and started sword-fighting. I guess that's normal boy behavior because everyone joined in. Adlani ended up with a bruise on his nose from playing "Let's Lock Someone in the Shed" but they all survived and are ready to take kindergarten by storm.


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