Wednesday, June 10, 2009


A few months ago when I realized that my friends Marc and Gia (Salce) Jobin were from Keene, New Hampshire and knew my college roommate, Laurie Ray, I pulled these photos out of the archive to post but they never quite made it to the scanner. Well, thanks to Facebook, I got a reply from my old pal today. Since we were both Lori/Laurie and lived in the same 10' x 13' room, we became LO & LA. NOBODY called us Lori/Laurie. LA and I lost touch when she left me and VTC to go to Becker, and I've only seen her twice since then. The last time was when I saw her at the Big E in the sheep barn, but that had to be 6 or 7 years ago. I'm looking forward to seeing her again...maybe I should revive my old nickname!
LO & LA on a visit to LA's house in Westmoreland NH - I LOVED visiting LA's family.
This is our room in Keenan Hall...look how messy my side was!!

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