Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One Last Frog Post

Well, was actually a toad, and I know you're probably getting sick of hearing about frogs but there are some cute pictures.
Ben has been playing soccer with a coed team on Sundays, along with Pam, Ted, and Michelle. At their game a couple of weeks ago we found a toad and the kids played with it until I had to rescue the poor thing from certain death from squeezure or jumping from the relative height of a 20-story building.
I have to say, Ben is a good soccer player. He grew up playing soccer every day and he's still got the moves. There's a mix of skill levels on the team though, so I don't think they've won a game yet.
Some members of the team take it a little more seriously than others, and at the game where we found the toad, one of the guys got a yellow card and came off the field swearing and kicking things. He kicked his bag and flopped down next to us in a full-out temper tantrum. Adlani was standing next to me, literally 4 feet from the guy, and he said (loud and clear and with enthusiasm), "WOW! I guess that guy's REALLY mad!" Everyone around us was trying not to laugh but it was priceless.

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