Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just Say No...

...to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!!

The other day Aliya and I were neatening up the books in the book swap at preschool and she saw a book she wanted. She also found a Barney book for Norah and I grabbed a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles book for Adlani to avoid World War III. I noticed that it said, "Don't Do Drugs" on the front, but it's a kids' book so how bad could it be?
The next morning Aliya was reading the books aloud on the way to school. I wasn't paying attention until I heard Adlani ask, "What's a pusher?" Aliya said, "I think it's one of those guys who comes by in a car and says, "Hey, do you want some candy?"
I was a little surprised that a kids' book would include the word "pusher", but I let her keep reading. A couple pages later, the book says, "Some guy calls, 'Hey kid! Want to make some fast dough? Take this bag to the store and just ask for Joe. Here's ten bucks now and when you get back, I'll be waiting with ten more in my Cadillac.' "
Aliya: "What's a Cadeeyak?" (Spanish pronounciation)
After that it was kind of like a car accident. I couldn't turn away and I had to hear the whole thing. A few more lines...
"And something the dealers forget to mention: It's not much fun to be in juvenile detention."
Aliya: "Is that the same as juvie?"
"But once they've trapped you in their net, they'll squeeze for all that they can get. And once you need their sleazy stuff, no amount of money will be enough! Drugs lead to a life of crime. Want to go to jail and do a little time?"
"Some kids at the playground say they just smoke pot. But listen buddies, you'd better not. Once potheads want to have a high, there's lots of poison they might try. You're not dumb, so don't take dope. When they pass those joints, be like us. Say 'Nope!' "
Aliya: "What's a poth-eed?"
"So let's have a pizza with extra cheese. No anchovies, if you please. No crack, no smack, no angel dust - Just the turtles and you, and kids we trust!"
Aliya: "Ugh...look at this. This kid is smoking a cigarrette and the next kid is going to put his mouth on the same cigarrette. They'll all get each others' germs."
Yes, by all means, stay away from other peoples' germs.

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