Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This Train Is Being Taken Out of Service

Sherry and the kids are visiting for a few days this week and because of the crappy weather we decided to hang out at home instead of going to camp. I'm pretty sure I would have gone into a fugue state and wandered off if we were stuck in 600 square feet with 6 kids, the dog, and no Ben to take over so Sherry and I can escape.
Yesterday we went to the aquarium and since there were so many of us I had the brilliant idea that we should drive to Riverside and take the T. When we got on the train, Hannah (13YO) said that her stomach hurt but I figured she'd get over it (nurturing is not my strong suit). About half-way into the trip I looked at Hannah and she had her hand over her mouth and that "I'm gonna hurl!" look in her eyes. Instead of accepting the obvious I asked for verification ("Are you going to throw up?") Yup. Right in the aisle beside the front seat, directly behind the driver and in the path of every person who boarded the train. "Watch out. Look out. Don't step there. Watch out." Every stop.
I have to say, the T driver was extremely professional and nice about it. He radioed someone to get on at a future stop and clean it up but apparently that guy was avoiding us so we kept going all the way to Government Center. Most of the occupants of our car found other seats to escape from the smell of cheese, which the kids kept commenting on. When we arrived at Government Center we heard the announcement, "This train is being taken out of service. Please excuse any inconvenience." When Ben came home from work and the kids rushed to tell him that Hannah puked on the train, he said, "I know. I heard it on the news that there was a delay on the Green Line because Hannah threw up." My only regret is that I didn't capture the moment on film to share with you.
After the excitement of the train ride the aquarium was a little anti-climactic since we've been there quite a few times this year, but the kids still enjoyed it. We had lunch at Joe's and spent some time at the playground so Hannah could start digesting her lunch, and then went back to Government Center by way of Faneuil Hall and got back on the horse. A woman on the T platform asked us if we were sisters which happens almost every time we leave the house together. We made it home without incident and had a Mexican schmorgasbord for dinner.
Today we went to two separate movies at the same time - Up and Night at the Museum 2. Sherry and I had dinner at Samba to celebrate her birthday, and an after-dinner-drink at the British Beer Works, where they DO NOT have karaoke on Wednesday nights. I think that's false advertising.


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