Wednesday, July 29, 2009

City Hall Concert

Last week we had one non-rainy evening in the midst of the storms, so we headed into Boston to see Eguie Castrillo and his orchestra play in City Hall Plaza. It was SO MUCH FUN!
We started by stopping at the aquarium just before closing time so we could see the new fur seal exhibit. Then we walked over to Fanueil Hall (via the fountain) for dinner, and then on to City Hall Plaza. There were SO MANY people from school there because Eguie's kids go to our school. The kids had a great time and so did we. We walked back to the car (via the fountain again) pretty late, but it was a beautiful night and Boston was hopping. We stopped to watch a really terrible comedic juggler on the way. Adlani was the only one who thought he was funny, and he was in hysterics. That tells you something right there.
It was a wonderful evening! Thanks Eguie!

Adlani pointed out how much this shark looked like a Bagelful, and he's right! If I wasn't so lazy I'd go take a photo of one and upload it to prove it, but I am. Lazy.



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