Friday, July 24, 2009

"Someone's Parked Illegally!"

I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Seriously. Tonight I went to Gayle's 40th birthday party, which was held at Lana's house. The food was good, the drinks were good, we were having a grand old time...until the um...police officer showed up. When he saw what a good time we were having, the police officer decided to stay for a while and um...entertain us. He was very entertaining. Most of the photos are not fit to publish here, but here are a few reaction shots:

After the festivities, the inquiring minds took the officer into the living room for an exit interview.

Name: PJ
Age: 41!!!
Body Fat: 11%
Frequency of Gigs: 2-3 per week
Gay: No
Girlfriend: No
Day Job: Various (including door & window installer!!)
Wax, Shaving, Laser, or Nair: All of the above
Childhood: Grew up in Mexico City because his father was CEO of the Latin American branch of an American company (he spoke Spanish to prove it)
Education: Phillips Andover Academy, Tulane University (mechanical engineering)
Percent Chance of Hook-Up After a Gig: .001%
Oldest Strip-O-Gram Recipient: 101 years old!

Lana didn't believe his story but Pam and I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. I honestly believe he was telling the truth. When we asked him how he started in the entertainment business, he said that his father died during his last year of high school, and his mom had breast cancer which metastasized to her brain. She was paralyzed for the last 4 years of her life and he started entertaining to earn extra income in addition to his day job. Sad.

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