Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Funny Man

I was teasing Adlani about who his girlfriend is and I said, "I know! It's Kiana!" Without even thinking he said, "Noooo...Caleb's dating her." What??? All 3 of them are in kindergarten! The word "dating" just rolled off his tongue so easily!
Last night in the car Adlani asked who I was talking to on the phone. I said it was Majda (our niece from Morocco). He said, "Oh. Well I heard someone speaking English and I thought she only spoke Mexican."
Adlani: Is there a way to get these balls out of my body?
Me: No, you're going to need them someday.
Adlani: When?
Me: When you're older and you want to have a baby.
Adlani: Oh.

Aliya would have wanted details but Adlani doesn't probe unless it has to do with toys or television. Of course, Aliya would then take those details to school and share them with her friends, so maybe ignorance is bliss.
In case you're wondering, Adlani is showing off his new breakfast creation in the photo - turkey bacon with chocolate chips.
Here's an oldie that I just found while cleaning out drafts of posts:
Adlani (shortly after the election): "How do you get to Moroccobama?"
Me: "Do you mean Barack Obama?"
Adlani: "Yeah, how do you get there?"

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