Thursday, July 30, 2009

Road Trip 2009

It's that time of year again...the night before we leave for our road trip. The bags are in the car, the dvd player and video games are charged up, and the mailman is holding our mail. We have a housesitter, so don't get any ideas about short-sheeting our beds and pooping in our toilets while we're gone. Annie and her caretaker will be here watching the homestead.

This year the annual road trip has taken on a new twist. I volunteered to stop and see someone in Myrtle Beach for work, since we would have been passing by anyway. Since I'm going to see him about a panic device, I'm taking one with me (see giant cardboard box in photo below). Since I'm taking a panic device with me, and since I have quite a few followers of my other blog and I don't want to put it on hold for 2 weeks, I decided to do a series of posts about taking my panic device on the family road trip.

You can read the first post here if you're so inclined. I'm going to have to be very careful not to accidentally post on my hardware blog about someone puking in the car, and posting here about the benefits of compression springs in an exit device. That could get ugly.

So we're off around noon tomorrow...first stop - Willow Grove, Pennsylvania.


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