Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Overlook Farm International Fair

For Aliya's birthday party last year, she asked her friends to donate money toward a water buffalo instead of bringing gifts. Luckily she wasn't planning on buying one for a family pet, it was a donation for Heifer International, a really great charity that gives farm animals to families living in poverty. It's pretty amazing what one animal can do for a family.
Heifer International has a farm out in Rutland Mass., and each year they have an International Fair. I've been wanting to go since Kelli told me about it, and I've had it on my calendar for almost a year. So I dragged the whole family plus Sherry and Devin over the river and through the woods from camp to the farm a couple of weeks ago. The admission price was $5 for adults, FREE for kids. What??
The farm had all kinds of activities and the kids had a great time. There were 8 homes from different countries, each with an activity for the kids - making bricks, prayer flags, butter, fish kites, etc. There were lots of animals and we got to see goat milking, sheep herding, and a horse show, plus we had a hay ride around the farm. I think the kids' favorite activity was probably the piñata. In fact, I think that was probably Ben's favorite too (video footage below). I, on the other hand, was too paranoid that someone was going to get smacked with the stick to really enjoy the piñata. My favorite part was visiting the homes from other countries and being reminded that most of the world does not live under the mountains of clutter that we do, and dreaming that someday I'll be able to put away everything I own and walk through my house without taking my life into my hands..

It was a fun and beautiful day.


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