Monday, March 1, 2010

1-2 Punch

Adlani started his first day of Taekwon-Do today.  I'm hoping that it helps with his impulsiveness and his lack of self-control.  If we didn't find some sort of activity for him I'm afraid he would spend every waking moment plotting how to watch Sponge Bob without us knowing.  So far, so good...he came home REALLY tired and he enjoyed the class, except for the push-ups.

He's always thinking though.  Each time the kids attend a class they get a colored paper clip to put on their belt.  When they have a certain number of paper clips, they get a star for their uniform.  On the way out after class, Adlani told me about the star, and then said, "So we can just go buy some colorful paper clips, and I'll have a gold star by midnight!"  :-P

In other Adlani-related news...he had a really horrible-looking fang coming in through the front of his gum because his baby tooth hadn't fallen out.  The dentist said the baby tooth had to come out so we made an appointment, but I kept hoping it would fall out on its own. The weekend before his appointment, a different tooth fell out.  The tooth fairy left him this note along with a couple bucks:

Dear Adlani, 

You need to do a better job of brushing your teeth. If you do, maybe I’ll leave you more money next time.

From, the Tooth Fairy

A few days later, the dentist pulled out the tooth that Adlani has been calling "my dirty tooth."  He had a filling in it two years ago and the dentist (a different one) did a terrible job because we were literally holding him down while she tried to quickly fill the tooth with Adlani screaming and writhing around in the chair.  The tooth fairy left Adlani $1 and a note that said:

Dear Adlani,

I'm sorry.  I don't pay full price for teeth with holes in them.  Please brush more thoroughly so the sugar bugs stop eating your teeth.

From, the Tooth Fairy

I have a feeling we have another set of braces in our future.  :-(

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