Wednesday, March 31, 2010

29 Gifts, Day 7 - A-Lo's Appearances

Today my gift was the creation and facilitation of Aliya's presentations on Morocco to Adlani's kindergarten class and her second grade class.  I was amazed by how well both groups of kids listened, and the questions they asked at the end. 

Aliya did a fabulous job (video to follow).  Her Spanish is unbelievable.  She didn't have a rehearsed speech, she just chattered away in Spanish and answered questions from the teachers and kids without stopping to think about what to say or how to say it.  I was so proud of her!

Adlani did a good job of sitting quietly and using appropriate language, unlike another friend who had to leave the circle area because he asked if people in Morocco go poopie.  Yes, they do.  Especially visiting Americans who aren't used to the Moroccan diet.

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