Monday, March 22, 2010

Just Another Manic Sunday

I spent the entire day helping Aliya with her Sage project and working on the new teachers' wish list bulletin board for preschool.  Aliya's project was about cats, and today we had to print out all of her research and stick the blurbs onto a display board along with a bunch of photos.  It came out nice but her whining really tires me out.

The wish list board is a bunch of bushes with the wishes on leaves (photo to follow) along with a sun, clouds complete with rain, and a rainbow.  I was hoping to finish today but I still have to write out the teachers' wishes and stick them onto the bushes.  Oh well, tomorrow's a new day.

Tonight we took the kids to Ben & Jerry's to celebrate the lack of water in the basement along with the rest of the days' accomplishments.  A group of young people came in and ordered a Vermonster (20 scoops of ice cream, brownies, cookies, bananas, 4 toppings, hot fudge, and whipped cream - 14,000 calories and 500 grams of fat - 8 pounds - $40) so Adlani spent the entire time obsessing about how he could afford to buy a Vermonster because he's been saving his money.

When we were finishing up, a policeman came in and Norah yelled, "EL POLICIA ESTA AQUI!!"  I was so proud.  She then looked at Adlani playing with a toy and yelled, "MOMMY SAID TO LEAVE ALL THE SHIT IN THE CAR!!"

I did NOT say "shit" and I have witnesses.  I don't know where she gets this stuff.  Must be from Ben.

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