Wednesday, March 3, 2010

School Reorg

I walked in the door at almost midnight tonight, 5 hours after I left for the school committee meeting.  I'm pretty sure Ben thought I went out to get smashed with my friends, but nope...I was sitting in the freezing cold King Building and I've got the sore ass to prove it.  If that's not enough proof, Lana kept texting me to tell me that she could see me on public access TV, asking me whether I was wearing a bra, and offering me money to fart or pretend to puke.

The good news is that the Two-Way Program isn't moving or changing.  We are staying in our current building.  And surprise, surprise, our English Language Learner (ELL) programs seem to have been moved to the back burner now that people have less incentive to attack the reorg plan.  The school that everyone was up in arms about has been taken out of the pairings, so there's not a whole lot left for people to complain about.  After discussing ELL on Facebook for the entire week last week, and constantly saying how expensive the Two-Way Program is (it's not), ELL was barely mentioned at the meeting tonight.

Last week was rough but I feel like we've successfully defended our terrific program, and hopefully I'll never have to see a comment like this again:

"Lori, I think you should get the facts about the 2 way program before you assume it is being used as a punching bag. For the English speaking kids it's a great program but How long do you think your children should ride on the backs of all the latino kids in this community. A program is suppose to work for everyone not just the white middle class.  I understand after 6 months your child was speaking spanish and you were so excited but were the latino kids in your child's class speaking English in 6 months. If your biggest issue is a bus ride you should be thrilled..what happens to these spanish speaking kids after your child moves on fluent in spanish? do you even care? You should because if it wasn't for them your child wouldn't have this program."

I was extremely hurt by that completely false accusation from someone who doesn't know anything about me or our school.  After some tears, a vow to swear off Facebook for good, and a couple of phone calls and emails from friends, I posted this response:

"Ouch. If you actually knew me, you'd know that I do care very much, and I would never want my children to benefit at the expense of anyone else. During our 3 years in the Two-Way, I have asked the teachers and principal many questions about how the native Spanish speakers learn, and their answers have assured me that the current model is benefiting all of the kids, not just mine. Luckily, the people who DO know me (many of whom are the Latino families that everyone keeps talking about) know how much I care. Frankly, I think it's insulting to the Latino families to say that they're allowing us to ride on their backs or benefit at their expense, or to assume that we are going to use them and then leave them behind.  My point about the location was that we are not exempt from the re-org. Not that I expect to be allowed to make a point here."

I really hope we can move on now.  Anyone want to buy a t-shirt?  :-)


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