Sunday, March 7, 2010

Quick Defense

In the interest of full disclosure, I don't get paid for talking about any products on this blog (unless you count door closers and locks because technically I get a paycheck for those).  I don't have boxes of free BMDs showing up at my door for testing, or even a free bottle of Vodka Mist.  But when I try a product and it works, I like to tell my friends about it.  Plus when I want to buy it again and can't remember the name of it, I know I can come to the blog and find it.

Ever since I've had kids, every cold I get turns into bronchitis or walking pneumonia.  Once I had both at the same time.  When I was pregnant I basically had bronchitis the entire time.  Every time I had a coughing fit the people around me stepped back in case I sprung a leak or shot the baby out.

A few months ago I felt another cold coming on, and for whatever reason I REALLY couldn't afford to get sick.  Maybe I had a presentation coming up or a trip planned, but whatever the reason, it was enough to send me to Whole Foods to find a treatment that would cut my cold short before it could develop into something bigger.

I bought Quick Defense that day, and it worked.  I didn't take 10 capsules per day as directed...I took about 4 per day for a couple of days.  I figured it might be a coincidence so I didn't run out and tell everyone about it, but I have now used it to head off 4 colds.  I really think it works!  I started to get a cold this week and I couldn't find my bottle of Quick Defense for about 24 hours, but it still worked.  I took 4 capsules yesterday and the cold is basically gone.  It's mostly echinacea, but you can check the Gaia website for a full list of ingredients. 

Next time you feel the first signs of a cold, run out to Whole Foods for some Quick Defense!  For kids, Gaia has echinacea drops that contain some of the same ingredients.  If I can reduce the number of days I have to look at snot-covered faces and crusty boogers, it's definitely worth a try!   

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