Monday, March 29, 2010

29 Gifts, Day 6 - Teachers' Wish Lists

I've officially hit the wall.  I can't do anything else.  This morning I moved mountains to get to preschool before school started to put up the teachers' wish list bulletin board (below).  The idea is that parents will pull off a leaf, each of which lists something the teacher needs for her classroom, and buy that item.  So my gift of creating the board will hopefully turn into a multitude of gifts for the teachers. 

After I put up the board, I dropped Aliya and Adlani at school and headed home for a conference call.  I worked frantically all day on a project that I need to finish tonight, while constantly getting emails and phone calls about other things I need to do.  Aliya is doing a presentation on Morocco (in Spanish) tomorrow morning - first for Adlani's class and then for her own, so I had to get everything ready for that tonight.  Then I went to pick up my niece at work, except that due to a communication problem I was sitting in downtown Boston and she was on the train heading to Riverside.  That's an hour and a half of my life that I'll never get back. 

Now it's two quick blog posts, finish printing the Morocco stuff, a couple of hours to finish my work project, one more load of laundry, and I'm done.  Not done, like all tasks are complete and my house is in order, just DONE.  Toast.  This morning, the school nurse saw the wish list board and asked Aliya if I was this creative at home.  Aliya said, "No, our house is a mess."  I'm seriously thinking about taking the piles of stuff I'm supposed to deal with out to the yard and burning them.  What's the worst that could happen?  An unpaid parking ticket?  The feeling of freedom would be worth the risk. 

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