Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Kiwi Herman has a P-nis..."

Norah has been obsessed with "private areas" for a long time.  Now she is also obsessed with "Kiwi Herman" and carries around this 20-year-old Pee-Wee Herman doll that used to say annoying stuff like "I know you are but what am I?" when you pulled the string.

For a while now, whenever a boy is seen or mentioned, Norah points out that he has a p-nis.  If I say, "Hey, there's John walking his dog Charlie," Norah says, "John has a p-nis...and Charlie has a p-nis too."  She doesn't talk much about what girls have...she divides the world into two groups - with p-nis or without p-nis.

In preschool, Norah likes to play Spanish Bingo, which she calls "Yo Tengo!" ("I've got it!") because that's what they say when they have a picture on their Bingo card that matches the picture on the "grande card".  If the teacher pulls out the grande card with the glasses on it, whoever has a picture of glasses on their Bingo card yells, "Yo tengo!"

So today out of the blue Norah says, "When we play Yo Tengo, and Maria takes out a grande card and says 'Who has a p-nis?', the boys can say, 'Yo Tengo!' " 

Where is this obsession coming from?  And more importantly, is it going to end before she hits puberty??

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