Friday, January 30, 2009

Channel 4 News

When I went to school to pick up Aliya this afternoon, I noticed a news crew approaching people in the parking lot. Joe Shortsleeve appeared outside of my car window and stuck a microphone in my face. Just in case I end up on the cutting room floor, here's the transcript of my lengthy and eloquent interview...
Joe: Do you have a child that goes to this school?
Me: Yes
Joe: We're here investigating a rodent problem in the school cafeteria. Are you aware of this?
Me: No
Joe: The problem is ongoing. We saw rodent droppings in the cafeteria today. What do you think about this? (making disgusted face)
Me: Well, it's kinda gross.
Joe: Do you think the school should have informed parents? (making incredulous face)
Me: I trust the school to make good decisions, but yeah, I guess I'd like to know.
The end. Probably not what he was looking for. Actually, I'm totally aware of the mice, because when the governor came for a tour, everyone was worried that there would be a mouse sighting during his visit. I thought it would be fabulous for the governor to see a mouse, because maybe then we'd get the money to hire an exterminator. Last May when I helped with the teacher appreciation lunch we were told to watch out for mice in the teachers' lounge. The kids aren't allowed to leave food in their lockers and I saw a few traps right before the governor's visit. Oh well...a few mouse droppings never killed anyone.

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