Friday, January 23, 2009


It's really hard to find good service these days, so I have to mention our experience at ScrubaDub Carwash. I bought Ben a gift card to have his car cleaned for his birthday. It was SO DISGUSTING! I made an appointment for the following Sunday, but someone from the carwash called to ask if we wanted to reschedule due to the forecasted snowstorm. We changed the appointment to the following Sunday, and there was another snowstorm in the forecast. I checked the voice mail on Saturday night, and there was a message from ScrubaDub asking if we wanted to reschedule. They had called us 5 TIMES when I wasn't home, and Ben couldn't haul his butt off the couch to answer the phone. It was too late to call back, and when we woke up in the morning there was close to a foot of snow. I called ScrubaDub at 8 a.m. and asked if they were open and wanted us to bring the car in. The manager said that he and two employees were there JUST FOR US! They weren't open because of the storm, but since they hadn't been able to reach us they came in just to clean Ben's car. I was very pleasantly surprised and the car looks great!

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