Saturday, January 24, 2009

De Ja Vu

I can't remember how long it has been since someone in this house has had an ear infection, so that's my excuse for why Norah spent most of last night night tossing and turning and crying before I figured out the problem. She usually goes right to sleep and stays asleep most of the night, so it was very unusual for her to still be up at 2 a.m. She wouldn't lay still even with me laying down with her. I asked again what was hurting and she said that her right ear hurt. I gave her some Tylenol and she was asleep in 15 minutes and slept the rest of the night.

This morning we went to the doctor and confirmed that she does have an ear infection so she's on her way back to health with the help of Amoxicillin. I also talked to Dr. Rosselot about Norah's stuttering. It started around Christmas, and it's to the point where if I can't see her, I have no idea what she's talking about. The doctor confirmed that it's normal for an early talker like Norah to go through a stuttering phase because her mouth can't keep up with her brain. Let's hope her mouth catches up before I go insane.

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