Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Need a Little Something to Take the Edge Off

When I was a kid, and even as a pre-motherhood adult, I always wondered why my mother spent my childhood in a rage. I guess she wasn't always in a rage but she yelled a lot. Mothers always say, "When you have kids, you'll understand!" (usually at the top of their lungs with their eyes bulging out of their heads), and it's absolutely true. Now that I have to get 3 kids out of the house every morning, with all of the required clothing and school supplies, I DO understand.

The thing that's driving me insane is the fact that I have to repeat myself so many times to make anything happen. I know what you're thinking...if I followed through on my threats the kids would learn that I mean business. Here's the thing. I DO follow through, and I know that many of you have been witnesses to me following through. It's not easy to take away trick-or-treating privileges when all of the other kids are on their way out the door with their bags, but sometimes it has to be done.

To improve the morning routine, I have tried threats and punishments, praise and rewards, bribery, going to bed early, getting up early, giving the kids responsibility, making it a team effort...you name it. I lay out clothes, backpacks, and outerwear, and prepare lunch and snacks the night before. Which is why it makes me insane that I find myself yelling every morning. One morning I counted how many times I had to say, "Put on your shoes/socks/underwear/pants/shirt," in order to get all 3 kids dressed. 34 TIMES!!! And that didn't include outerwear!

This morning I heard myself yell, "YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN?! YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO MAKE ME INSANE SO I END UP IN A MENTAL INSTITUTION, AND THEN YOU WON'T HAVE A MOTHER!!" I'm pretty sure I heard that one from Mom in 1976. Thanks Mom.

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