Thursday, April 8, 2010

29 Gifts, Day 15 - HUMP DAY!!!

Yes, I have reached the middle of the 29-Gift Challenge, and looking back on my gifts so far makes me wonder whether the challenge has changed my regular pattern of giving.  It has definitely made me focus on the gifts a bit more, but honestly I would have given all but 2 or 3 of the gifts anyway.  We'll see how the rest of the challenge goes...maybe I'll run out of ideas (or time, or money).

My gift today was two complete carloads of stuff for the elementary school yard sale.  The yard sale is this Saturday, so if you're in the area, go over and buy some stuff!  This is an important fundraiser for our school, and it benefits the PTO as well as giving us a good excuse to clean out our closets.  I'm hoping to dig around a bit more and find a few last-minute donations to drop off tomorrow. 

Maybe tomorrow's gift will be a special treat for the hard-working moms who will spend the day organizing and pricing all of the items for the sale.  Just looking at the mounds of stuff gives me the heebie-jeebies but they somehow make it look presentable and are ready for the line of customers first thing Saturday morning.

Come on down!

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