Friday, April 16, 2010

29 Gifts, Day 23 - Snapshot & Knuffle Bunny

Time flies when you're giving gifts, I guess.  I can't believe I only have 6 more days in the challenge!

Today I bought a gift for my future niece's time capsule.  We thought it would be a fun addition to Babypalooza to have everyone bring something to represent current times, that can be put away for the baby and opened when she's 16, 18, 21, or whenever.  I bought a book, which I am now coveting - Snapshot - The Visual Almanac For Our World Today.  Maybe I'll get it for Mother's Day.  hint hint

I also bought one of our favorite kids' books to add to the baby's media collection - Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale, by Mo Willems.  The kids crack up every time I read it.  I think it's my delivery.

Babypalooza is this Saturday so I'll be heading up to Maine tomorrow.  All alone.  I apologize in advance if Ben forgets the oranges for soccer on Saturday.  I bought them, I'll cut them up, but then he's on his own.

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