Tuesday, April 20, 2010

29 Gifts, Day 28 - Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

I don't know if it was spending my weekend with Josh and Rachael, who are very careful about what they eat, or the gluten-free muffins from Sunday brunch, or the fact that I'm sitting at the airport surrounded by ultra-fit marathon runners who ran 26.2 miles two days ago and are still able to walk without limping today, but I've been thinking a lot about food.  There are a lot of things that I'm too busy to think about, because I'm always so friggin busy.  I think that needs to change because someday when I have enough time to slow down and think about things, I'm going to be 80.

Last weekend Josh and Rachael's friends were talking about Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, and I was intrigued so I started watching it.  It's a little embarrassing to watch it in the airport because it brings tears to my eyes and my fellow travelers are probably wondering what I'm bawling about.

This show is eye-opening and disturbing.  In the 'Ham we're lucky because our director of food service, Brendan Ryan, has already made huge strides in improving the food served in our schools.  75% of the food is made from scratch to avoid all of the additives found in processed foods.  Whole grain breads and pastas have replaced white bread and regular pasta, and the kids have fresh fruit and vegetables available daily.  Sugary drinks and snacks have been removed from vending machines in the middle schools and high school (here's a recent article).  Many towns have not made those changes - yet.

My gift today was a donation to Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Fund at America Gives Back.  And speaking of America Gives Back, Idol Gives Back is on tomorrow night - 4/21 at 8 p.m.

In the words of Jamie Oliver, "Everyone can do better."  The episodes of his show are available on Hulu.com until June 5th.  Watch it.  Seriously.

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