Monday, April 19, 2010

29 Gifts, Day 27 - Heifer International

Wow...only two days* left in the 29 Gifts challenge.  I'll be traveling for the next three days so I have no idea what my gifts will be.  Could be interesting.

Today I gave a flock of chicks to a family in need via Heifer International.  I have given several gifts of animals in the past, and Aliya collected money instead of gifts at her 7th birthday party and bought a water buffalo.  I think it's a great organization and a fun way to give.  The animals are given to families who are taught how to take care of them.  The families then have milk, eggs, wool, etc., to sustain and create an income for their family.  The first offspring is passed on to another family, and the gift keeps on giving.

Here's a quick video about Heifer's work: 

There are tons of other videos on the Heifer International website if you want to learn more.  There's also a pretty cool interactive tool here.

*UPDATE:  I just realized that I skipped Day 20, so I guess I have 3 days left in the challenge.  Unless you count the Brownie Husband as a gift.  ;-)

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